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jacktheeldergod · 1 year ago
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Random Animal Generator - Perchance
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wayfayrr · 11 months ago
✦ 400 Follower Raffle ✦
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I'm shocked to have another event up so quickly!!! I can't thank you all enough for getting me to the point where I can post something like this, even though I say that most times it's always more shocking than the last to be able to say it again <333
Going back to a raffle this time so let's lay down the rules!
✦ The grand prize is a fic of 2k+ words ✦ Second place is a fic of approximately 1.5k words ✦ Five runners-up will get a set of headcanons each
Now onto the rules for entering!
✦ You've got to be following to enter ✦ Like, comment on or reblog this post (one entry for either with a max of five entries per person, although only one entry will be counted if you win) ✦ I'll be choosing the winners at 12pm GMT 20/04/24 and contacting them for the details of their prize
again thank you all for the chance to do this, and good luck to everyone<3
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rabbit-inwonderland · 11 months ago
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truthundressing · 2 years ago
adapting to my familys lifestyle in italy while im on holiday there is soooo crazy like wdym i gotta get all dressed up every night just in case we run into someone we know during our evening passeggiata😐
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rose-above-dark · 15 days ago
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I’ve been seeing a lot of people joke / say that V1 canonically has a uterus and while I think that is objectively funny / interesting. Are we sure this isn’t blood from the metaphorical womb of Hell?
The text reads: “#INCLUDE ( blood, formal_blood ) FROM "d29tYg==“
Include blood *from* womb. Meaning that you’re gaining blood from the womb, periods are usually a flushing out of blood / reproductive stuff not gaining. I think it would be more interesting / make more sense if they gained blood from the womb of hell.
We also know that hell is alive (see: the canonical reason why doors open/close depending on enemy spawns, the “Forces from far beyond” from guttermans terminal entry, & hell’s eye everytime V1 dies).
Along with this: the symbolism of a womb is also used in the 7-2 poem, describing the guttermen feeling remorse for its source of blood: the person inside them. We know in hell that this still rings true, and the symbolism can be applied to hell in that hell is where the machines get their blood by killing demons made of hell, birthed form hell if you will. Therefore, gaining blood from the womb of hell as you are INSIDE hell.
This would also add to ultrakill’s themes of cannibalism and cycles, see: the 7-4 eulogy and general need to consume blood. You’re eating each other, your fellow machines, what remains of your creators. And depending on how canon you think the cybergrind is / each P rank attempt is (ESPECIALLY since we see hell’s eye flash for a moment before you die) then endlessly retrying until you get it right. The fire is gone, you’re chasing phantoms, you’re chasing your own tail, eating yourself until even the sparks burn away.
And yeah, I know that in the death screen, V1’s systems refer to itself in fleshy terms like organs and limbic systems
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Which is why I’m not ruling out this could be V1’s uterus entirely since we do see its systems in that fleshy context, but still I think it would make more sense for the uterus to be METAPHORICALLY hell itself
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beautysnake · 2 months ago
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tmntxthings · 2 years ago
∑一 Gasoline・゜・。
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author’s note: so I started this months ago and came back today and somehow finished it? it’s now 4 am and idk what I’ve written but we posting it babyyyyyyy
song: reckless driving by lizzy mcalpine, ben kessler
warnings: cursing, narcissism, over-dramatics, cringe, sarcasm, flirting, confessions, unedited
Okay, I’ll admit. I’m not the best when it comes to..following the rules? Heeding caution? Listening to anyone??? Yeah not the greatest in that department.
But! I’m practically flying high in all others. Better brother, better turtle, cooler weapon, and not to mention handsome as fuuuck. So handsome in fact, I know I’ve snagged your attention. Heh. Call it what you will, intuition or gut-feeling, I know I’ve been occupying your mind.
But the thing is, you won’t admit it. No matter how much I prod, tease, or blatantly ask. It’s always “Leo, no.” “Leo, stop!” “Leo, shut up!!” And never “Yes, I think about you endlessly Leo, you’re right, and super handsome, be my one and only turtle”
It’s never ever that. And maybe that’s the reason why I can’t let this go. Because I know I’m right. If I wasn’t why would you keep coming around? Why would you spare glances my way? Why would you wear blue? It was all so infuriating to see these little details only to be denied again and again.
Raph says I’m getting a little obsessed. Donnie doesn’t give two fucks. And Mikey says something even worse, that I’m in love. Barf. Gross. Me? Love? Hell no. I collect admirers. I flirt with everyone. Unabashedly. Why would I fall in love with someone who is so clearly in denial that they are in love with me??? All I’m doing is getting them to admit the truth, and then they’ll be another tally mark. Another addition to the ever growing list of admirers I have.
It comes with the title of being the Face Man and all of that. Perks of being me I guess!
And so I was up to my usual antics.
“Keys Y/n, keys babe!” You scoffed pushing my hands away. “Keep your grabby mitts away, there’s no way in hell I’m letting you drive.”
“I curbed one time Y/n. Once! Give a turtle some slack here!!” I’m practically begging at this point. Because I have a plan. A genius plan to get you to finally admit the truth. It’s going to be epic.
“I think you’re also forgetting the three times you purposely ran into trash cans. You almost backed into another vehicle. And don’t get me started on how many times you accidentally forgot the keys in the car!”
…Okay so maybe there are a few more reasons as to why I shouldn’t be driving. But no matter! I’m a master manipulator. I can sway those around me like a pro. Plus since ya have feelings for me, I’m sure you actually really do just wanna hand over those keys. You’re just like playing a little hard to get is all.
“Whaaaa?? Are you sure that wasn’t Angelo? Pretty sure that was totally him and not me.” A big cheesy smile lights up my face trying to turn that frown of yours upside down. “Plus in any case I’ve got super rad portal powers to snab the forgotten keys!”
“Leo. No.”
And the actual begging and groaning and bemoaning ensues. I don’t throw temper tantrums that often. Only when necessary. After many ‘pleases’ and promises to drive extra careful. I finally get my long awaited—
“Leo, I said noooooooooo!”
A hard flick resonates against the space right above the middle of my eyes. Dramatically I flinch backwards crying out in faux pain. My hands going up, one covering the space that has just been so grievously wounded. “Oh c’mon that didn’t hurt…”
“Did it?”
Peeking through my three fingers I see the wisps of concern on your features and it’s at this moment where my all-of-the-sudden-plan enacts. As you draw closer out of worry it’s just too easy to create a small portal with my other hand that is behind my back. Don’t ask how the dagger got in my palm. Sometimes being a ninja just has its perks.
And just like that the keys to your car are securely in my hand and I bolt before you can realize you’ve been…hand-pocketed? Pick-pocketed? Whatever the case!
As I gloat from the driver’s side window, with the locks safely on so you couldn’t just rip open the door and strangle me like you were threatening to do right now. I make a show of raising the volume in your car and celebrating more with a little dance in the drivers seat. It’s not until you shake your head and the flames extinguish from your eyes do I dare to unlock the passenger door for you to get in.
You do slam the door close though. “Dramatic much?”
I can’t help but tease. I love winning. I love rubbing it in everyone’s face. And it makes my bones sing to see you get so riled up all over little ol’ me. You glower, somehow holding your tongue, perhaps giving me the silent treatment as you take over the music.
Driver gets veto power though. So I skip a bunch of songs you choose until I feel the flames start to rise again and I worry we (or rather I) may never even make it out of your driveway before I turn into roasted turtle. And that can’t be tasty.
So I let this particular song play. Humming along since I don’t know the words as I start to pull out and drive on the road. You stay silent for the most part and that just won’t do so I may or may not get a little too close to a curb for comfort on your side of the vehicle.
“God damnit Leo if you curb!!” You hiss as you clutch the handle on the car door. “Whoopsie!” I laugh getting back to the middle of the lane easily enough. “Where did you want to go so badly anyways?” You grump. But at least you’re talking now! “It’s a surprise!” I sing-song.
Now initially, my plan to force your admission of feelings was to continue to drive really recklessly and maybe almost die in a car crash or something like in the movies. And while you think I’m about to die you just have to tell me that you are helplessly in love and like magic. Confession secured.
But now thinking about it more seriously there are plenty of unknown factors like, what if I do actually kill myself in the process. Or ya know, you get hurt? Or I just wreck the car and we both are totally fine?! I don’t see myself surviving much longer after that if that ends up being the case. So I have nothing. Zilch. Nada. No back up plan was really made.
So I just drive.
And as previously mentioned, I’m not the best driver…
So you are on edge the entire time and constantly telling me to “Watch out!” “Don’t curb!” “Don’t hit that dude crossing the street!” “Red means stop!” “Yellow means slooow!”
Thankfully I know what green means. Aka turtle. Aka go ninja go ninja go. I’m proud of that one. Anywho, the drive winds up and down the backstreets of New York until even I don’t know where the fuck we are.
I pull over, parallel parking. Miraculously it’s one of the few tricks I can do with a car and you breath out a very unnecessary sigh of relief. “So this is the surprise?” You are looking around the low rise buildings with slight curiosity but more confusion than anything.
Nothing here is really special. No shops. No bright sparkly lights. It’s actually pretty grim because a few of the streetlights are out making the dark night even darker. It’s probably the least romantic place in the world. Definitely holds no sentimental value for an awe-inspiring confession.
My head hits the steering wheel as I close my eyes and say “Yup!” As bright and false as possible. I feel like a jerk and even worse than that a failure. I’m greeted with silence and I don’t open my eyes to check your face. I’m sure it’s turning into disappointment right now.
“Leo, everything okay?”
My head turns slightly, if only because your voice sounds a little different. I mean you usually are quite serious, but it’s also one filled with… care? “Just thinking.” And that is not a lie, just a very vague statement.
“Wanna talk about it?”
I mull it over. What am I even thinking? Driving around in the middle of the night. Being chaotic. Being a nuisance. Being with you. Dragging you along. Trying to get you to say something you’ll never say in a million years. And turtles sadly don’t live that long.
“Y/n, do you like me?”
I don’t dare take my eyes off of you now. Truthfully I feel like spewing out nonsense to cover up my mistake. I just had to open my big fat mouth. To actually say shit I actually mean. Or in this case something I really want to know. Your eyes widen ever so slightly, and you tilt your head as if you hadn’t even considered that a possibility. Liking me.
I’m instantly filling up the silence. “Like better than Mikey right? Pretty sure I don’t have to sweat over Donnie. And Raph may be second place but I’m definitely number one right?”
This way it’s easy. This way it’s safe. This way no one gets hurt. This way I don’t get hurt. This way I can play it off.
“I do like you.”
My thoughts empty and I straighten up. Swallowing back the spit that’s suddenly filling up my entire mouth. “Right duh, of course you do. Everyone does!” I laugh, smiling big as if nothing you just said affected me. Like I totally won’t be thinking about this even later tonight back at the lair. Overthinking it. Surely you meant it as a friend… but a turtle can hope?
“Even though you are so annoying.” You tack on, but your smile is too much. It’s genuine. It’s not plastered on like mine. It doesn’t hide anything.
Oh shit.
I just continue on, blabbering complete and utter nonsense at this point. Because part of me can’t believe it. That you really said it. That you do like me. That this surely isn’t possible, that you’re about to laugh and say that this was all some funny joke.
“Do you like me?”
And where there was nonstop chatter, it turns to silence. I avoid your stare now. In fact I turn my whole face away because I can feel my red marks heating up. Which is never a good sign. Blushing will only end in embarrassment. More than I can handle.
“Whaaaat? Me? Like you?”
I leave it open ended. To be inferred that I couldn’t possibly. But I think I just continue shooting or maybe slicing myself in the foot. Over and over and over again. Because in the window I can see you’re still looking my way. And your lips are pursed together in a small know-it-all smile. I whip my head back around, forgetting all about the embarrassing heat that covers my face.
“Y-yeah. I do.”
And then you lean forward.
Time slows.
And I feel your lips on mine.
And my eyes are so wide. I don’t know what to do but just stare. I don’t move. I don’t breath. Your eyes are closed and your lips are soft if only a little chapped. You pull away slightly, and I can feel your breath fan over my face.
“Good.” Is all you say. And I nod like a dumb pile of rocks is all I have for brains. “Now how about I drive?” Again I’m nodding.
The only thing that breaks the trance is the warning beep from your display signaling that I’ve just wasted all of the gas left in your tank.
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euthymiya · 9 days ago
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sage-lights · 8 months ago
HELL YEAH! WE’RE BACK, BABYYYYYYY! AMANGELA IN TNTL AKA THEIR NATURAL ELEMENT! 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ (me when i’m at work and can’t watch the video right now)
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olithegeek · 11 months ago
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ringringimdeadhere · 2 years ago
Congrats on the gay! The guapoduo enjoyers must be on their happiest day and very uncomfortable after the kiss moment they have witnessed (be happy you were not a flipporiana fan back in the day)
Now I want to see more Jaiden drama, but couple edition this time babyyyyyyy
The narrative builts itself we already have Forever and Maxo, the two who hold a grudge against Jaiden for the longest time because of the way she shows no antagonism against cucurucho, how she has assisted the federation, and just in general how unlucky she is cause nothing else explains how the hell she ends up in situations-
And then you have Roier and Cellbit, Roier obviously knows Jaiden the best, and knows her heart is in the right place, and Cellbit already has a past with the federation, so he would assist her and save her before she gets ice cubed (also she is the platonic partner of the man he wants to marry so yeah he will help her)
I wanna see this drama, I really hope Jaiden has more federation stuff to do, and I wanna know if cucurucho can eat batteries..
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demvalhaken · 8 months ago
I want coffee. (Art for you :D
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*Insert funny thing here to keep your attention and hypnotise you into ignoring the anatomy*
Okay everything past this point is literally just me talking about this shit
Greed demons originally had green eyes and not yellow ones. Idk but the yellow colour slays girl! It left no crumbs and cleaned the entire table! Butttttt…. There’s a sub-ring (Ring inside a ring) in the Greed Ring… LET ME COOK FOR A SECOND.
The Sub-Ring is basically just the Land of Gold as seen in Dante’s Inferno (Which inspires some rings). It’s a giant lake in the ring that has its own kind of ecosystem and society and stuff… So what if I just keep the green eyes and say “FUCK IT SHES PART GOLD THING!” Actually I think I’ll do that-
Let me just say, all marking on Greed demons are just poker symbols and stuff like that. Their tail tips will probably stay consistently either diamonds or hearts. Do you wanna know why Ace is named Ace? ACE OF SPADES BABYYYYYYY!!! Her lore is basically, you get born with luck curse, use it to win hundreds of casino winnings, get rich, get banned, get sad, be overprotective with sister. It’s been like that since 2023, don’t judge.
The rings of Hell aren’t really fully developed yet, they’re pretty underdeveloped like Limbo… I ignore that poor ring so much because I honestly don’t care about it. Plus I need to figure out sinners, AND I NEED A PROPER DESIGN FOR LUCIFER, SATAN, BEELZEBUB, MAMMON, ASMODEUS, LEVIATHAN, AND BELPHEGOR!!! AGHHHHHH!!! I’m literally just gonna make Satan fatherly goat man because that’s how he seems tbh
I HAVE SO MUCH TO DEVELOP AND ITS LITERALLY BEEN A YEAR OR TWO SINCE THIS STARTED!!! Also I literally don’t know which sin to draw first
Me talking for two paragraphs because I’m deranged :D
Is it just me or am I kinda dreading school, how am I gonna post frequently?! At least everyone sees me as a chill background character, so I probably won’t be bullied. Maybe I might be bullied for my outrageous body hair as a woman, idk I’ve never shaved except once like two years ago and I absolutely fucking hated it.
Completely unrelated rambles: you could probably tell but I am an avid fan of Vivzie’s works. Verosika deserved better tbh, she’s like my favourite character, go girl!!! I might sound crazy, but she’s not really a villain for me. Also people are getting mad at Vivzie’s tribute in the new Weird Al vid? I mean, I understand the hate… but I FIND IT FUCKING HILARIOUS THAT IT’S LITERALLY THE ALASTOR BASE MEME. I sound delusional, that’s fine I guess.
Oh yeah, here’s Ace’s original atrocious design. She ain’t got no lips and she got a receding hairline! Devious ahh smile 😭
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Edit 2: Dem fell off… fell off a cliff!!! Please don’t bully Dem
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awholeconstellation · 9 months ago
Sabrina 10th artist in the WORLD on Spotify oh hell yeah babyyyyyyy
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callmearcturus · 1 year ago
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Hell yeah dutch babyyyyyyy
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spitdrunken · 1 year ago
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tiredfoxtf · 9 months ago
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